The Impact of AI on Data Center Real Estate: Demand, Power Consumption & Sustainability


The rapid rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the data center industry, driving an unprecedented demand for computing resources and energy. As AI becomes increasingly integrated into various sectors, data centers face the challenge of meeting the growing computational and power requirements needed to support this game-changing technology. Realty Capital Analytics, a leading provider of comprehensive data center financial models, explores the complex dynamics of this evolving landscape and the significant implications for the industry.


AI Fuels Data Center Demand Surge


The explosive growth of AI applications, from machine learning to natural language processing, has led to a sharp increase in the demand for data center capacity. AI workloads require immense computational power and specialized hardware, such as GPUs and TPUs, resulting in a significant rise in data center leasing activity. Major cloud service providers and hyperscalers are racing to secure the infrastructure needed to support their AI initiatives, leading to capacity shortages and price increases of up to 20% in some markets.


Forecasts predict that the data center industry will continue to grow rapidly, driven largely by AI. Global spending on new data center facilities is projected to reach nearly $50 billion by 2030, with an annual growth rate of 10%. This estimate may be conservative, however, as the data center hyperscale market is expected to grow even faster at 20% annually. Realty Capital Analytics, with its advanced financial models, has been at the forefront of assessing the financial impact of this explosive growth on the data center industry.


The Growing Energy Footprint of AI


As AI workloads continue to increase, so does the energy consumption associated with powering the necessary infrastructure. Data centers already account for 1-2% of global greenhouse gas emissions, and this figure is expected to rise significantly with the rapid adoption of AI technologies.


Training large AI models is particularly energy-intensive. For example, training GPT-3, the predecessor to the popular ChatGPT-4 model, consumed an estimated 1,300 megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity – equivalent to the annual power consumption of 130 average U.S. homes. As AI models grow in size and complexity, the energy requirements for training them will likely increase exponentially.


Deploying (not just training) AI models also consumes substantial amounts of energy. The potential integration of generative AI into search engines would require a substantial increase in energy consumption, comparable to the needs of entire countries. Projections indicate that AI-related electricity consumption could grow by 85 to 135 TWh annually by 2030, emphasizing the pressing need for sustainable solutions.


The Path to Sustainable AI Infrastructure


To address these challenges, data center operators and tech companies are exploring ways to improve the sustainability and efficiency of AI infrastructure. Strategies include:


  • Optimizing data center locations for renewable energy access and lower energy costs.

  • Investing in advanced cooling technologies, such as liquid cooling, to efficiently manage the heat generated by high-performance AI hardware.

  • Leveraging AI algorithms for intelligent workload management, predictive maintenance, and dynamic resource allocation to reduce energy waste and optimize operations.

  • Collaborating across the industry and with policymakers to develop energy-efficient AI hardware and software, as well as establishing regulatory standards for sustainable practices.


The Evolving Data Center Landscape


As the demand for AI continues to grow, data centers are evolving to meet the unique requirements of these workloads. Some key trends shaping the industry include:


  • The rise of specialized AI hardware, such as GPUs and TPUs, which require advanced cooling solutions and power management strategies.

  • The growth of edge computing, which brings data processing closer to the source, reducing latency and enabling real-time AI applications.

  • The adoption of modular and prefabricated data center designs, which allow for rapid deployment and scalability to meet the dynamic needs of AI workloads.

  • The increasing focus on data center sustainability, with operators exploring renewable energy sources, waste heat utilization, and water conservation measures.


Powering a Sustainable AI-Driven Future


The convergence of AI and data center infrastructure marks a critical point for the tech industry. As AI applications continue to expand, ensuring the sustainable growth of this technology is essential. By implementing innovative infrastructure solutions, optimizing AI for energy efficiency, and promoting sustainable practices, the data center industry can support the AI revolution while minimizing environmental impacts.

Realty Capital Analytics is dedicated to helping stakeholders navigate the complexities of this rapidly evolving landscape. Our expertise in financial modeling and analysis provides valuable insights for making informed decisions in this dynamic sector. We invite you to visit our website and schedule a complimentary consultation to explore how we can support your investment objectives.